Popup Vegetable Stand at Hurdal Ecovillage

I´ll be selling vegetables and plants 4th July from 12-18:00 at Hurdal Gjestegård. Here is a price list of what I´ll bring: Vegetables: Kale 35 nok Salad 35 nok Garlic scapes 50 nok Plants: Allium cernuum 75 nok Allium Nutans 75 nok Mints: 50 nok Perennial rucola: 50 nok

Courses at Øvre Sem Gård

Over the years I´ve held courses for gardening clubs, libraries, and schools in ecology, seed saving, market gardening and vegetable and herb growing. This year Andrew Niday and I will be holding a series of curses throughout the season which can be attended by anyone interested in learning what you need to know to grow…

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In the footsteps of Wergeland and Schübeler

I recently attended a gathering organized by the Norwegian Seed Savers which included a broad network of gardeners and plant enthusiasts from all over Norway. We gathered in the priest’s farm at Ringebu which is one of the jewels in the crown of the recently established Schübeler Gardens.  Frederik Schübeler (1815 – 1892) was a Norwegian botanist and curator at the…

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Web of Ecological Thought

Studying organic agriculture was a letdown for me. I had expected to learn about ecology but was instead confronted with the workings of tractors, contribution margin calculations and basically conventional agriculture minus the sprays. I wanted to learn about how to relate to ecology in a sustainable way based on the science of ecology.  Instead…

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Seed Saving Course

I´ll be holding a brand new seed course on the 11th and 24th January 2022. In it I´ll go through the basics as well as looking at how to save seeds from the following plants and their relatives: Amaranth, Beans, Tomato, Lettuce, Squash, Onion, Carrot and Cabbage. The course will be in English, with a…

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Balancing out individual carbon budgets

Finding real solutions to global warming is THE challenge of our time. So far, we have achieved nothing of significance in reversing the trend to runaway global warming. There are growing cracks in the techno-optimistic belief that a shift of the economy over to renewable energy will save us. Increasingly, faith in consumerist, production focused, globalized,…

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